The Queen of Queens !!

i picked up the phone today dialed your number so that i can tell u i love you and i missed you like never before but no one answered…i tried to check in the white pages hoping maybe you changed it.. But still found nothing… I called the operator wishing she would be the one that would find you for me.. But she chose to keep silent for a few minutes and then told me you cease to be!…. Why did she say that? All i wanted is to tell you a few of my stories you know the ones that made you laugh at times and burst to tears at others, i only wanted to show you what i have become and what i am doing in my life… I went to your house, to your room, i knew by now you would always start your daily precious workout but i didnt care i only wanted a few minutes, i knew that only for me only you would stop everything…i got there one answered you werent there didnt live there anymore..i asked around they gave me your new address… I didnt know where it was.. So i wrote a letter, went to the post office and decided to mail it but the post office refused and told me they couldnt deliver the message because “Heaven” is not reachable by their offices…
You always told me that blood fades away but ink never does..

So i write to you here, i hope you get to read it, i know its workout time again and im sure even in Heaven youre still as punctual and organised as you were when with are in my heart, NO! scratch that !! you will always be a part of that heart of mine…i love you and i will never forget you…
Rest In Peace Ladloud & Merry Christmas.. Jtembrasse !!!

Posted on December 26, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Lovely! Moved me nearly to tears, but I would have had to explain to the love of my life for 34 years, why I was crying. Honestly.

  2. Lovely! Moved me nearly to tears. But then I would have had to explain to the love of my life for 34 years why I woke her up crying. Truly. God bless.

  3. im glad you liked it. thank you and i hope your wife understood and didnt give you a hard time πŸ˜› .

  4. Very heartfelt.
    Am sure she is smiling at you from her spot in heaven.
    A merry christmas to you.

  5. very touching, and we know very well that the persons we lose are always watching and protecting us with their prayers as if they still alive…. Whatever happen in our life, their memories will never die… Merry Christmas & may the year 2012 bring u peace joy health and success to ur life πŸ™‚

    • I know its very late but i was having some technical difficulties with the blog . Im extremely happy you liked it and i agree with you 100% and though its late for a “happy new year” but better late than never πŸ˜‰

  6. wow! i didnt expect the end
    very emotional!

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